Take your career to the next step

Gigly helps users conveniently find professionals or help for their needs. If you have what it takes to be the hero they are looking for, sign up and start working on the most modern work platform in Finland.

Build your future
with trust

Gigly is built to last.
Every task you complete is reviewed and rated.
If you do it well, you are building a bulletproof portfolio for your professional career that every customer can trust.


Each task you complete can be fully trusted by customers


Save on work expenses by using deals offered by our partners


All Gigly users can find your profile and make offers


Work regardless if you are professional or just an individual starting off

From people for people

What you give is what you get. We at Gigly strongly believe everyone has what it takes to provide excellent service. As long as you provide value, you will be valued, but to meet our quality standards, you have to be:


Whether you are a professional or not, it is expected you bring such attitude to any task.
A good review can go a long way.


For a pleasant experience, being on time is important. Understanding how long your work takes can also matter for many customers, so consider that when accepting work and sending offers.


Be honest about your experience and pricing. It’s best to exceed customers expectations than the other way around.

Working with Gigly

When it comes to working on Gigly App, we have a few guidelines and tips regarding pricing, and fees.

Fair pricing

You’re not the only one bidding on tasks, so be fair


Be clear about additional costs and charges upfront

Adjusted fees

The more you work, the lower your service fees are


You only get reviews by completing transactions, so don’t cut corners

Adjusted fees

To incentivize taskers on Gigly App we use adjusted service fee model based on your earnings.
Meaning, the more you work, the less you pay in fees increasing your profitability.

Sign up and find your first gig!

Not sure?

If you are not sure if Gigly is the right choice for you or how to get started, don’t hesitate to reach out and we will help you the best we can.